20th EUFEPS Talks
Virtuelles Meeting

We want to invite you to the 20th EUFEPS Talks on February 17, 2025 at 4 pm CET.
Marcos Garcia-Fuentes will give a talk with the title: "Advancing Precision Medicine: Innovations in Nanotechnology for Biotechnological Drug Delivery".
The integration of nanotechnology into biotechnological drug delivery is revolutionizing precision medicine, offering more targeted and effective therapeutic strategies. One of the most promising advancements is localized regional delivery, which enhances drug concentration at the target site while significantly reducing systemic side effects. This approach not only improves drug availability but also minimizes off-target effects, making treatments safer and more efficient.
A key innovation in this field is the combination of nanocarriers with macroscopic implantation devices to create multi-step delivery systems. These systems enable complex therapeutic strategies, such as long-term biopharmaceutical release at implantation sites and sustained gene transfection in confined environments. Achieving these goals requires careful optimization of genetic sequences, precise control over nanocarrier-device interactions, and the design of nanocarriers capable of prolonged therapeutic effects.
This keynote will explore cutting-edge developments in this area, with a particular focus on applications in cell phenotype modulation, including the manipulation of glioblastoma-initiating cells. By leveraging these advanced drug delivery systems, we can move closer to truly personalized and effective treatments in regenerative medicine and oncology.
Dr. Marcos Garcia-Fuentes is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and leader of the BiDD (Biomaterials & Drug Delivery) research group at CiMUS. He earned his Ph.D. in Pharmacy from USC in 2004, with research stays at Purdue University and ETH Zurich.
His research focuses on nanomedicine design, particularly integrating biotechnological modules for drug delivery. His group has developed innovative systems for antitumoral protein delivery, gene therapy, and implantable sustained-release technologies. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles, ranking among the top 15% most cited in his field, and holds 9 patents, two transferred to the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Garcia-Fuentes has led multiple national and international research projects and supervised eight Ph.D. theses. Since 2022, he has served as Research Officer for SEFIG and coordinator of the EuroNanoMed3-RAIN consortium. He also leads the Interuniversity Master’s Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at USC.
Group website: https://cimus.usc.gal/group/biomaterials-drug-delivery
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